Reference Projects
Safe Isolation of SSIV and Riser Valve at
Shell, UK – Leman Alpha Platform
Execution of maintenance works in Turn Around (passing SSIV and Riser Valve).
The Leman Alpha complex is a Shell UK owned and operated production platform, located in the Southern North Sea sector of the UK.
The DBB-SAVER was used to safely isolate the platform from the pressurized 30” sea pipeline to safely execute works in a Turn Around. It was used to vacuum the section between the Sub Sea Isolation Valve and the Riser Valve. The High Capacity DBB-SAVER model was selected for this deployment to compensate for some performance loss due to the long hose lengths used to hook the DBB-SAVER up to the bleed point.
The DBB-SAVER outlet was hooked up via hoses with the platform vent system via a tie-in also.
The Turn Around could start as planned without any delays or safety issues caused by the passing isolation valves.
Reduction of platform downtime and limit blowdown volume.